

hannah . stockem at aol.com (omit spaces)

Hannah Stockem works with different processes, at the moment mainly textile-based art. She is interested in textile printing as a creative process.

While working with fabrics and dyes, she can experiment with different colour combinations and discover new contrasts and tensions in the pattern.

Hannah lives her life following the idea of “Gesamtkunstwerk”, where everything from a person’s surroundings to the objects in the room and even their clothing is coordinated and specifically chosen as a part in a whole.

This is expressed in her work which includes both traditional art (-objects) and usable art like clothing. Her art has a place on the borders between art, design and craft.

Hannah Stockem is a German artist living in Oslo, Norway. She holds a B.A. in Photography from Southampton Solent University and finished her Bachelor in Medium- and Material Based Art with a focus on textile at Oslo Academy of the Arts in 2023. Currently she is studiying for a masters in Design there. 

contact: hannah . stockem at aol.com (omit spaces)